1. Széchenyi István University Győr, Hungary
2. Kodolányi János College, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
To create and to operate a knowledge management system is becoming a more and more popular targets of companies. Realizing the changes above can result in a failure - in spite of the strongest will – if organizations lack certain prerequisites which are necessary in companies’ lives. One of the most important prerequisites is organizational culture which can be characterized by confidence, common learning, development and an open atmosphere. This is called a learning organizational culture.
This research has focused on bringing to light what kind of dreams colleagues in higher education have about their own organizational culture. These results were gained from an investigation with questionnaires which were realized by an advisory team. To evaluate the results of the investigation a circumplex method was used. These results were compared with the characteristics of a learning organization to confirm the hypothesis. As a result it can be stated that colleagues have the same images about their successful organization as the characteristics of learning organizations.
Key words: circumplex model, higher education, knowledge, knowledge management, organizational culture.
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