1. The State University of Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
This research was conducted during one semester in four different classes that were taught biology by using four different teaching strategies: Problem-based learning (PBL), Jigsaw, PBL integrated with Jigsaw (PBLJigsaw), and direct teaching. This research explored the correlation between metacognition (metacognitive awareness and metacognitive skills) with cognitive retention of students in the four different strategies, and compared the four regression lines whether or not they are parallel. There was no correlation between metacognitive awareness and cognitive retention in the four teaching strategies in biology classroom, while the correlations between metacognitive skills and cognitive retention were significant. The results of the analysis of variance related to the regression equation in the four different strategies were parallel and did not coincide; the regression line of PBLJigsaw strategy was at the highest position. It indicated that this strategy has the potency to empower metacognitive skills and simultaneously increased cognitive retention.
Key words: metacognitive awareness, metacognitive skills, cognitive retention, problem-based learning, jigsaw, regression line.
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