1. Ministry of Health of Brazil, Brazil
2. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3. NOVA University Lisbon – UNL, Portugal
According to data from the United Nations, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Studies in the area advocate that this data be treated in an agile manner, to extract essential information. This work analyzed the characteristics of the world's scientific production on injectable oncologic agents present in articles in the Web of Science database between 2001 and 2021. Bibliometrics were performed on 1,496 articles. There was a constant increase in publications over the years – emphasis on 2021. The technological domain “pharmacy and pharmacology” was the most recurrent. China is the leader with a total of 505, while Elsevier was the publisher of the most published articles in the analyzed period. In relation to the most productive authors, Qian ZY stands out, with 18 articles. The most productive institution is the Chinese Academy of Sciences with 68 articles. Concerning networks using VOSviewer®, the following stand out: Li, Y. et al. (2012), (co-citation of references; 62); “Biomaterials” (co-citation of journals; 3,006); nanoparticles (keyword co-occurrence; 262); Soo-Chang Song (bibliographic coupling; 776). The study helps public health stakeholders in injectable antineoplastics to obtain essential information and thus contribute to better health management in both the public and private sectors.
Keywords: bibliometric analysis, cancer, injectable antineoplastics, co-citation, public health
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