1. University of Malaga, Spain
The European Higher Education Area involves major changes in the teaching-learning process for the acquisition of transversal skills, such as social and citizens. It establishes a need for active methods, learning and so to develop in students the ability to make decisions and learn independently, reflective and critical promoting these skills. Considering the importance of a program, training in values and ethics of solidarity that joins the university curriculum (educational innovation program, PIE10-127), we performed a comparative study on ethical issues in college students before and after of their application the program and an evaluation of effectiveness of different active methodologies to promote solidarity skills acquisition, and its impact on performance. Participants in this study were 4103 university students, aged 18 and 57, of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Málaga (2010-2012). The results show an increase in the acquisition of skills solidarity, following the implementation of the program and that the methodologies employed active, positive impact on academic performance. The relevant conclusion obtained, points to the need to reinforce and develop these values solidarity actions in college.
Key words: academic performance, active methods, values, solidarity.
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