1. Siauliai University, Lithuania
Scientific research activity (SRA) in comprehensive school is not a new phenomenon. Similar actions have been paid attention at various stages of education. Changes in the quality and quantity of the current stage of society development show a different situation: the pace of life increases, the “turbulence” of the surroundings is observed, globalization and social and economical changes in various segments of society gain more power. At the moment, the education system in Lithuania and other countries is facing different changes. As for the reorganization of Lithuanian education system within the period of the last two decades, it seems to be an intensive and ambiguous process. Lithuania had to pose two fundamental challenges: first, to proceed from the so called “soviet” system of education the one based on national identity and experience, and second, to adapt the new system to the needs for modern society fully integrating the experience of international education. The adjustment of national and international components has remained the major problem of Lithuanian education system up to now.
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