1. Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
2. Elementary School and Kindergarten Grygov, Czech Republic.
Choosing the right strategy is an important condition to successfully solve math problems. Research studies often present individual types of strategies more or less separately. This study aims to determine student solutions of selected word problems in the whole context of the solution process. In this context, such nonstandard word problems combine verbal formulation and the character of nonstandard problems (impossible to be solved using an algorithm). In order to get an overall picture of the stages of word problem solution, an analysis of solving a given word problem was conducted among 171 respondents aged 10-11. The analysis was conducted in compliance with partial steps of word problem processing, as the solving of the problem was viewed from a wider perspective. The student’s reaction to the problem, working with the given information, individual forms of solution, and answer formation were recorded. In order to have a more complex idea and possibility to compare, the chosen way of solving the problem was also presented to a selected sample of 26 teachers. Available solutions were analyzed, and there were sought ways how the solution was assessed by the teachers based on selected parameters. Especially their meta-cognitive estimation of the correctness of their own solution was subject to scrutiny.
Despite the fact that the respondents chose different strategies of solution (graphic, arithmetical, using judgment, etc.), it appears that the success rate of solving the given nonstandard word problem was very low. Thus, it is necessary to implement such word problems into standard math lessons, also within pre-graduate teacher preparation.
Keywords: mathematics teaching, primary school mathematics, problem-solving, prospective teachers, word problem
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