Effects of Auto-Correction on Students’ Writing Skill at Three Different Universities in Sulaimaneyah City


Omer Ismael Kozhin,Ali Saeed Kochar,Shwan Ibrahim Airin,Shawkat Fatah Diya


While technology has undoubtedly improved and has become an essential component of modern life, technological advances’ consequences have both beneficial and detrimental impacts on students’ writing skills in the classroom. Technology has accelerated and simplified work for students, but it has also instilled the belief that there is no need to put significant effort into the texts they write. This study examines the effects of technology and auto-correction on students’ writing skills at three different universities in Sulaimaneyah city, Iraq. Case studies and research into the impact of electronic and communication devices on English writing skills among university students has been analyzed to determine the effect of auto-correction on grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation. Furthermore, the study also aims to show that auto-correction affects students’ writing and to compare auto-correction and handwriting to prove that students make mistakes while writing due to technology. In addition, the study examines writing tasks undertaken by students in the English language to assess students’ lack of writing skills, particularly in spelling. Finally, the study identifies why students have poor writing skills and corroborate previous research into an auto-corrections negative impact on students’ writing abilities.


AWEJ Group


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science








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