Publication rate of abstracts presented in ConsEuro meetings held between 2003 and 2017: A bibliometric analysis


Cengiz-Yanardag Esra1,Erturk-Avunduk Ayse Tugba1,Karakaya Izgen2


1. Mersin University

2. European University of Lefke


Abstract Objectives This bibliometric study aims to evaluate the publication rates of the abstracts presented at ConsEuro congress between 2003–2017 as well as to determine the factors associated with publication rates. Materials and Methods The abstracts presented at 7 ConsEuro meetings held between 2003–2017 were evaluated for subspecialty, study design, number of authors, and the country of the principal investigator’s institution. When the abstract was confirmed as subsequently published, time to publication, the journal in which the abstract was published, impact factor, quartile, 5-year impact factor, index status, SJR of the journal at the publication year and changes in number of authors after publication were determined. Data were statistically analyzed. Results Out of 1250 abstracts presented, 445 were published in peer-reviewed journals with a publication rate of 35.6%. The mean duration of time to publication was 26.2 months. The leading journal in terms publication rate was Clinical Oral Investigation. There was no statistically significant difference between the distribution of publication rates by years (p = 0.083). Publication rates of abstracts related to laser therapy, caries and dental materials were statistically higher (p < 0.001) than other subspecialities. Animal, basic and clinical researches were more likely published (p < 0.001). Conclusions Less than half of the abstracts in ConsEuro meetings reached full publication. The study design and subspeciality of the researches have an effect on the publication rates which decreases over years. Clinical Relevance A considerable amount of scientific data and preliminary results presented in congresses which may contribute to science has been overlooked due to low publication rates.


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