Introduction: there are different strategies to improve newborn health which was launch by the federal ministry of health in Ethiopia (FMOH). But the problem is high in Ethiopia 2019, 54.54% of under-five death is in the neonatal period. Due to different reasons the mothers’ practices about neonatal danger sign were not investigated in Somali region. So, if mothers have good knowledge and practices on their sick neonate they will save two-third of the neonate from preventable causes of neonatal death trough child survival strategies.
Objective: To assess mothers’ knowledge about neonatal danger signs and its associated factors in Fafan Zone, Somali Region 2021.
Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 505 respondents. Pre-tested structured Interviewer-administered data collection was applied. Systematic sampling technique was used. For analysis data was entered into EPI data 3.1 and exported to SPSS software version 23. Descriptive statistics was computed for selected variables and multivariable Binary logistic regressions was done and having P- value <0.05 at 95% CI is a significant variable. Results was presented in descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: In this study, Mother’s knowledge of neonatal danger sign was low 100 (19.5%) and 37(61.7%) of mother’s only sought appropriate healthcare practices for their neonate who had danger signs.Accordingly, Maternal education (Formal education) [AOR =7.45, 95%CI:(3.89-14.25)], radio or tv presence in home[AOR=3.50, 95%CI: (1.07-11.49)] & having postnatal care [AOR=2.47, 95%CI: (1.11-5.2)], Neonate started vaccine) [AOR=3.5, 95%CI:(1.07-11.49)] and Exclusive breastfeeding [AOR=2.34, 95%CI:(1.19-4.58)] were factors showing significant association with knowledge of the mother on neonatal danger signs at P-value≤0.05
Conclusion & recommendation: In this study, Mother’s knowledge of neonatal danger sign was low 100 (19.5%) and 37(61.7%) of mother’s only sought appropriate healthcare practices for their neonate who had danger signs. Maternal education (Formal education), radio or tv presence in home,having postnatal care, neonate started vaccine and exclusive breastfeeding were factors showing significant association with knowledge of the mother on neonatal danger signs at P-value≤0.05. To increase their understanding and health-seeking behavior, health care provide has to provide health education and counseling (including NDSs, immunization and exclusive breastfeeding) to mothers after birth and during ANC follow-up.