The Nice Robber Barons: Elites’ Support in Redistribution as a Seduction Strategy


Schwarz Mordechai E.1


1. Open University of Israel


AbstractThis article explores why certain classes achieved social rights peacefully while others had to fight and the counterintuitive elites’ support for redistribution. Using the overlapping-generations model platform, I describe the economy as a political confederation of sub-economies defined by different economic horizons and the political process as a recursivebiform contest. I show that the elites’ support for redistribution is aseduction strategyto calm political tension through temporary transfers to lower classes while maintaining the elites’ steady-state social superiority. I provide necessary conditions for political equilibrium and present an application that provides a theoretical basis for Director’s law.JEL classification: C7, D3, D6, H2, I3.


Research Square Platform LLC

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