This study analyzes how AI-enabled digital technologies including VR and AR have changed manner of travelers' experiencing in Uzbekistan. This study employs a logistic regression model with a binary logarithm to review the opinions of 207 international visitors representing a number of countries towards digital apparatus and how they impacted their vacation experience. The data was gathered for the period from the years 2014 to 2022 about the total international visitors and their average money they spent per person. Also, the tourists’ opinions about the influence of the AI tools in their traveling experience were polled. It is evident from the results that these elements act as the major determinants of tourists' largely positive attitudes toward digital services. Russian, Turkmen, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and German, which stands out by having the highest probabilities of positive experience (88–93 percent). The model that has R-squared value of 48% argues that the number of visitors and how wealthy they are on average play roles as significant determinants of the willingness to support digital technology in the tourism business. This study gives us an insight into how AI-based digital tools can make a difference in a tourism trip and fosters a better understanding of the industry.