Augmented Reality in Zoos (ZAR): Employing an Innovative Image Enhancement Technique and Localization with Offline Features


Khan Sajid Ullah1,Khan Faheem2


1. Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University

2. Gachon University



Pakistan is not getting tourism exposure due to inadequate digitization and technological advancement availability. Peshawar Zoo is one of the emerging tourist places in the whole province of Khyber PakhtoonKhuwa (KPK) and more than five thousand tourists visit it every day. A lack of availability of Localization of sign boards such as guide plates, internet, and technological features are posing challenges to increasing tourist interest and promoting Pakistan's tourism industry. The aim of this research is to design and develop an image de-noising algorithm that will improve the quality of images obtained for database (Vuforia) storage. Moreover, this study design an Augmented Reality (AR) based App that makes the Zoo more informative and interactive. The uses of Localization (descriptions of sign boards in their own language) and offline solutions are the key features added to this AR-app. This system defines a new way of seeing, thinking, and understanding reality. As part of this study, a case study was also conducted to examine the impact of AR on the travel experiences of Peshawar Zoo visitors. The questionnaire was used to gather data, which was later analyzed using the Chi-Square test. The results prove the overall improved experience of the tourists while using AR technology along with Localization and Offline solution. Visitors were asked regarding the recommendation of the ZAR App, and they would like to revisit the Peshawar Zoo. It was found that almost all the visitors liked ZAR App and they would like to revisit Peshawar Zoo and recommended ZAR App to other as well. 91% of visitors were interested in ZAR App and 81% agreed that ZAR has improved their tourism experience. 97% of the visitors said that they will recommend ZAR to potential visitors who expressed a desire and agreed to revisit if it provided an AR-based tourism Experience.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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