Resident physician duty hours, resting times and European Working Time Directive compliance in Spain: a cross sectional study.


Sanchez Domingo Antonio1ORCID,Carrasco Juan Pablo2,Estrella Pablo3,Ruiz Rafael4,Aginagalde Adrian Hugo5,Garcia Eva6,Navarro Joaquin7,Cerame Álvaro8


1. Consejo General Colegios Oficiales de Médicos

2. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia

3. Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia

4. IMIBIC: Instituto Maimonides de Investigacion Biomedica de Cordoba

5. Government of the Basque Country: Gobierno Vasco

6. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Toledo

7. Virgen del Rocio University Hospital: Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio

8. Servicio Madrileño de Salud


Abstract Background: There is a growing interest in understanding the impact of duty hours and resting times on training outcomes and the wellbeing of resident physicians. However, to this date no state-wide analysis exists in any European country. Objectives: Our aim is to describe the shift work scheduling and to detail the degree of compliance with the Spanish legislation and the European Working Time Directive (EWTD) of Spanish resident physicians, focusing on territorial and specialty distribution. Material and methods:A descriptive cross-sectional analytical study was designed through an online survey adapted from the existing literature. Results: Out of the 2,035 surveyed resident physicians undergoing PGT in Spain, 80.49% exceeded the 48h per week limit set by the EWTD and 13% of them did not rest after a 24h on-call shift. The mean number of on-call shifts per month was 5.10, with the highest mean reported in Asturias, La Rioja, and Extremadura. 51.6% of respondents had a day-off after a Saturday on-call shift. Significant differences are observed by region and type of specialty. Conclusion: Resident physicians in Spain greatly exceed the established 48h/week EWTD limit. Likewise, non-compliance with labor regulations regarding mandatory rest after on-call duty and minimum weekly rest periods are observed.


Research Square Platform LLC

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