Urosepsis, is a severe systemic infection resulting from a urinary tract infection (UTI) that has spread to the bloodstream. Urosepsis management is challenging, especially in immunocompromised oncology patients.
In this retrospective study, we characterized the urosepsis cases in oncology patients between 2019 and 2023. Of the 337 cases, males were the most affected group (p = 0.039). Similar to other studies Escherichia coli was the most common cause of urosepsis in our oncology patients. None of the analyzed variables showed any statistical significance associated with urosepsis. These include type of tumor (liquid or solid), nephrostomy, double J stent, Diabetes Mellitus, length of stay, and presence of a central line.
Our study was the first study from Palestine that looked at urosepsis in oncology patients. The overall challenge in urosepsis in our oncology patients remains to be the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in the isolated urosepsis pathogens.