Sexuality in People with Motor Disability; Taboo, or Right?


Sologuren-García Gema Natividad1,Linares Carmen L.1,Flores Jackeline R.1,Mendoza-Mamani Katty1,Pilco Rinna M.1,Escobar-Bermejo Gloria1,Sotelo-Gonzales Soledad1,Palza-Portugal Guicela1


1. Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University


Abstract Background Globally 1 in 7 people experience some type of disability. In Latin America, as in other regions, there are programs focused on protecting sexual and reproductive rights. However, in Peru don’t exist programs, protocols, or guidelines that include a specialist (sexologist or trained health professional) in the health system, which allows for improving the quality of life and well-being of this population. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the experience of sexuality of people with motor disabilities to propose actions that contribute to improving their quality of life. Methods The interpretive phenomenological approach and the semi-structured in-depth interview with 60 questions were used, which was applied to 7 people (4 women and 3 men) with acquired motor disability. Results In this study observed diversity in the experience of sexuality. While some people experience it without fear; others have canceled their sexual activity. It could be because, in addition to physical limitations, they experience psychosocial limitations such as pain, functional alterations, depression, low self-esteem, discrimination, exclusion, stigma, socio-environmental barriers, etc. Therefore, the study reflected the double discrimination suffered by women (for being a woman and having a disability) and the absence of sexual education, counseling, or sexual therapy by specialized professionals. Other factors are the influence of religion, society, and culture that might condition and limit their sexuality. This reflects the current situation in Peru and other countries in the region, where the sexuality of persons with disabilities continues to be a complex and ambiguous issue. Conclusions The review of the profile and level of specialization of the health services professionals involved in the integral medical care of people with disabilities and their couples is required because of their need for adequate and specialized attention for their better adaptation to the new condition.


Research Square Platform LLC

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