Are Males and Minorities Worse Off? How Demographics Fit into College Student Psychiatric Medication Dissatisfaction


Borgogna Nicholas1,Aita Stephen L.2


1. Texas Tech University

2. Veterans Affairs Maine Healthcare System


Abstract There is a need to better understand factors associated with psychiatric medication dissatisfaction in college students. We explored cultural and identity factors associated with psychiatric medication dissatisfaction in isolation and in combination. We also explored relevant covarying factors such as trauma history and psychotherapy utilization. Data were collected from the 2020–2021 as part of the Healthy Minds Study, involving n = 11,421 college students who reported taking medication for a psychiatric disorder. Categorical medication dissatisfaction was modest, n = 847 (7.4%). Results indicated identifying as a biological male and/or a Person-of-Color (with exception to Asian/Asian American students) were associated with significantly greater medication dissatisfaction relative to referent groups (female and White participants). Being married/partnered and having a history of psychotherapy treatment were significantly associated with psychiatric medication satisfaction. Additionally, experiencing emotional, sexual, and/or physical trauma were each associated with higher odds of psychiatric medication dissatisfaction. Results were consistent in isolation and in combination (adjusted for all variables simultaneously). Our findings suggest contextual factors of identity, treatment history, and trauma history as uniquely associated with psychiatric medication dissatisfaction in college students. Treatment providers are encouraged to take a holistic approach when considering intervention recommendations.


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