Identifying causes and associated factors of stillbirths using autopsy of the fetus and placenta


Sade Eliel Kedar1ORCID,Lantsberg Daniel,Sar-el Moriel Tagar,Gefen Sheizaf,Gafner Michal,Katorza Eldad


1. Wolfson Medical Center: Edith Wolfson Medical Center



Purpose: The study aimed to evaluate the causes of death and associated factors in cases of stillbirth, using post-mortem examination and applying a rigorous, evidence-based holistic approach. Methods: Our retrospective observational study included cases of autopsy following stillbirth that occurred at our tertiary medical center during a period of 8 years. Detailed up-to-date criteria that incorporate clinical reports, medical history, prenatal imaging, and histopathological findingswere used to evaluate the cause of death and associated factors. Results: After applying our proposed holistic approach, 138 cases of stillbirth were classified into eight categories based on the causes of death. A definitive cause of death was observed in 100 (72%) cases, while 38 (28%) cases were considered unexplained. The leading cause of death was placental lesions (n=39 ,28%) with maternal vascular malperfusion (MVM) lesions being the most common (54%). Ascending infection was the second most common cause of fetal death (n=24, 17%) and was often seen in the setting of preterm labor and cervical insufficiency. Conclusion: The largest category of cause of death was attributed to placental pathology. Using rigorous detailed up-to-date criteria that incorporate pathological and clinical factors may help in objectively classifying the cause of death.


Research Square Platform LLC

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