Combining Convolutional Neural Network with Physics- Based Features in Shallow and Intermediate-depth Earthquake Discrimination


Zheng Zhou1,Lin Binhua2,Jin Xing1,Kang Lanchi2,Wang Shicheng2,Zhou ShiWen2,Zhou Yueyong2,Wei Yongxiang2,Li Shuilong2,YU WeiHeng2,Guo Yang2


1. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, Ministry of Emergency Management

2. Fujian Earthquake Agency


Abstract It is crucial for earthquake early warning (EEW) to distinguish earthquakes of various focal depths accurately and reliably. However, this task is a significant challenge due to the difficulty in interpreting the underlying physical mechanisms of earthquakes of different focal depths. In this study, we proposed an algorithm that combines a convolutional neural network with physics parameter-based features (CNN-PP) to discriminate between shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes. A total of 3586 earthquakes in Japan recorded by the K-NET and KiK-net strong-motion seismograph networks from 2003 to 2020 were collected and processed as research data; 38081 Three-channel acceleration seismic records were obtained by station record interception, baseline correction and quality screening along with other pre-processing procedures. Among them, 26644 and 11437 records were used as the training and the test dataset, respectively. The test results show that the CNN-PP model outperforms the CNN model in discriminating shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes. In addition, we test the CNN-PP model with the seismic events (M ≥ 3) that occurred in Japan in February 2022, and the results confirmed that this model has good performance in discriminating earthquakes of varying magnitudes. The CNN-PP model can effectively discriminate shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes and has great application potential in EEW.


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