Animal pollination contributes to more than half of Citrus production


MONASTEROLO MARCOS1,Ramírez-Mejía Andrés Felipe2,Cavigliasso Pablo3,Schliserman Pablo1,Chavanne Valentina4,Carro Claudia Melissa4,Chacoff Natacha Paola2


1. Centro regional de Energía y Ambiente para el Desarrollo Sustentable (CREAS), CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Catamarca

2. Instituto de Ecología Regional, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

3. National Agricultural Technology Institute

4. Fundación Miguel Lillo



Animal pollination is crucial for the reproduction and economic viability of a wide range of crops. Despite the existing data, the extent to which citrus crops depend on pollinators to guarantee fruit production still needs to be determined. Here, we described the composition of flower visitors in citrus (Citrus spp.) from the main growing areas of Argentina; moreover, we combined Bayesian models and empirical simulations to assess the contribution of animal pollination on fruit set and yield ha− 1 in different species and cultivars of lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, and orange in the same regions. Honeybee (A. mellifera L.) was the most commonly observed visitor, followed by a diverse group of insects, mainly native bees. Regardless of citrus species and cultivars, the probability of flowers setting fruit in pollinated flowers was 2.4 times higher than unpollinated flowers. Furthermore, our simulations showed that about 60% of the citrus yield ha− 1 can be attributable to animal pollination across all species and cultivars. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain environments that support pollinator diversity and increase consumer and to producer awareness and demand in order to ensure the significant benefits of animal pollination in citrus production.


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