A Flexible Production Cost Model for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Electric Vehicles


Hemsen Jonas1,Nowak Nikita1,Eckstein Lutz1


1. RWTH Aachen University


Abstract A cost model for the estimation of production costs of permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) is presented, which allows to alter design choices such as wire technology, winding layout, cooling system, materials and more. With the goal to make results reproducible by others, the methods are explained in detail and used data and assumptions are given. The developed model helps to understand the interaction between the design of PMSMs, manufacturing methods and the resulting costs. With it, different PMSM technologies and materials can be evaluated regarding its influence on the production costs, which is a perquisite to find the best compromise between performance and costs. Production volume is shown to be the most decisive factor for the resulting production costs. Between minimum and maximum assumed volumes, an average cost per unit reduction of 67% could be observed. Furthermore, it is shown that the winding production is responsible for the greatest part of the overall costs, followed by the rotor assembly (including rare earth magnets). When using the model to compare different wire types, it can be stated that up to a production volume of roughly 150,000 units/year, hairpin wires are more expensive to produce. Above this volume, hairpin windings will get cheaper than round wire windings due to its higher grade of automation of the production process. Through the conducted investigations and the presented results, it is demonstrated that the cost model can serve to evaluate technologies with regards to costs in the early development stage. This way a more holistic assessment of technologies for PMSM is possible, helping to find the ideal compromises between costs and performance and to increase the attractiveness of sustainable mobility.


Research Square Platform LLC

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