1. Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resource, Hawassa University
2. School of Plant and Horticultural Sciences, College of Agriculture, Hawassa University
Litter fall and decomposition in agro-ecosystems varies by tree species where indigenous and exotic species were mixed. In such diversified species, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics are not well understood in Aleta Chuko. This study was aimed at measuring litter fall of seven abundant woody species in Coffee-Enset based agroforestry (CEA) and eucalyptus camaldulensis woodlots; determining decomposition rate and nutrient contents of leaf litter. Three replicates for each species which were distributed over three transect lines, were used for litter fall and in situ decomposition experiment for one year by using litter traps and nylon-mesh litter-bag respectively. Mean monthly litter fall ranges from 40.9 for M. indica to 79.7 g m− 2 for O. kenyensis in CEA while it was 54.8 g m− 2 for E. camaldulensis. There was a significant difference in litter production among studied species (P < 0.05). Also, there was a significant difference in decay constant among studied species (P < 0.05). Indigenous species such as C. arabica, C. africana and M. ferruginea showed greater value of decay constant as compared to exotic species such as E.camaldulensis, P.americana and M. indica. C. arabica showed fastest decomposition with decay constant of 2.4 while it was 1.1 for E.camaldulensis. There was a significant loss of initial litter Ca, K and Mg contents within annual decomposition for all studied species. Whereas loss-gain condition of P, Na and N contents vary by woody species. Further research is required on nutrient dynamics of diverse plant species; particularly on factors responsible for increase or decrease in nutrient contents.
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