Environmental assessment by vulnerability analysis of water intended for human consumption in urban environments using GIS methods: Case of the N'djili River (Kinshasa/DR Congo)




1. University of Kinshasa

2. Medical Research Circle (MedRec)


Abstract The Water Distribution Administration of the Democratic Republic of Congo (REGIDESO) continues to face numerous problems linked in particular to unregulated human activities throughout the river in general and in particular around the watershed of the N River 'djili. Domestic and industrial activities, agricultural activities, commercial activities, and road transport contribute to the pollution of the N'djili River and groundwater. Contaminated water constitutes a health danger for the population because it accentuates water-borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and even malaria, which caused a total of 619,000 deaths in Africa in 2021. It is with this motivation that we are given the task of carrying out an environmental study to analyze the vulnerability of water in this area in order to propose a Water Security Plan (PSG). During the environmental investigation, we listed several sources of water contamination, mainly chemicals used in agricultural areas to increase profitability, domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater, and feces. Subsequently, we calculated the water protection perimeters of the N'djili River and the drilling observed in the study area using geographic information systems (GIS) techniques. It was noted that the immediate protection perimeter is occupied by activities likely to pollute water; this is the case for the close protection perimeter. To combat these problems, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo must put in place a solid water safety plan, which will help combat several consequences that these problems present for the health of the population.


Research Square Platform LLC

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