Mathematical Model of Typhoid Disease Using Standard and Non-standard Finite Difference Schemes
Irfan Muhammad1, Ghour Samer Al2, M Kaviyarasu3, Mehmood Arif4, Saeed Maha Mohammed5, Naeem Muhammad6, Gul Saeed7
1. Farooq Gul Khan University College 2. Jordan University of Science and Technology 3. Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala Institute of Science and Technology 4. Gomal University 5. King Abdulaziz University 6. College of Mathematical Sciences Umm Al-Qura University Makkah Saudi Arabia 7. Kardan University
In the current paper, typhoid disease is mathematically simulated, and its positivity and boundedness are also discussed. The fundamental reproduction number \({R}_{0}\), which is significant in epidemiology, is sorted out. The Lyapunov function for global stability and the Routh-Hurwitz criterion for local stability of the intended NSFD scheme are studied for disease-free and endemic equilibrium points, respectively. The standard finite difference (SFD) scheme and non-standard finite difference (NSFD) scheme are used to approximate the solution of the PSEIT epidemic model.
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