Geospatial Analysis of Diabetes Type 2 and Hypertension in South Sulawesi, Indonesia


Zainuddin Andi Alfian1,Rahim Amran1,Rasyid Haerani1,Ramadany Sri1,Dharmayani Himawan1,Abdullah Andi Afdal2


1. Hasanuddin University. Makassar

2. Social Insurance Administration Organization. Jakarta


Abstract The spatial variation of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension and their potential linkage were explored in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The Local Moran’s I, the Getis-Ord, and regression analysis were applied to identify the characteristics involved. The methods were performed based on T2DM and hypertension data from 2017 and 2018. The spatial variation of T2DM and Hypertension showed that the prevalence rate of T2DM tends to form a cluster hotspot and there is no cold spot and spatial outlier. Meanwhile, the prevalence rate of hypertension tends to occur randomly. In analyzing the relationship between T2DM and Hypertension, we utilized the Generalized poisson regression analysis and the result showed that there is a significant relationship between T2DM and hypertension (p-value = 1.695e-10). This research could help policymakers to plan and support projects with the aim of overcoming the risk of T2DM and hypertension.


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