A bit of a cough, tired, not very resilient – is that already Long-COVID? Perceptions and experiences of GPs with Long COVID in year three of the pandemic. A qualitative study in Austria.


Wojczewski Silvia1,Mayrhofer Mira2,Szabo Nathalie1,Hoffmann Kathryn1


1. Medical University of Vienna

2. University of Vienna


Abstract Background: COVID-19 is a new multisectoral healthcare challenge. This study contributes to research on long COVID. It aims at understanding experiences, knowledge, attitudes and (information) needs that GPs have in relation to long COVID and how these evolved since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The study used an exploratory qualitative research design. It investigated infection protection, infrastructure, framework conditions and the treatment of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria through semistructured interviews. A total of 30 semistructured interviews with GPs in different primary care settings (single practices, group practices, primary care centres) were conducted between February and July 2022. For this study, the questions relating to long COVID were analysed. The data were analysed using the qualitative content analysis software Atlas.ti. Results: This is the first study that empirically investigated long-COVID management by GPs in a country with a Bismarck healthcare model in place. All GPs indicated having experience with long COVID. In cities, GPs tended to have slightly better networks with specialists, and GPs, especially in more rural places, would need much more support. The GPs who already worked in teams tended to find the management of COVID-19 easier. The symptoms that the physicians described as Long-Covid symptoms correspond to those described in the international literature, but it is unclear whether postCovid syndromes such PostExertinal-Malaise, autonomic dysfunction such as postural tachycardia syndrome or Mast-Cell-Overactivation-Syndrom (MCAS), and cognitive dysfunction are also recognized and correctly classified since they were never mentioned. The treatment of the patients is basically described as an enormous challenge and frustrating if the treatment does not yield significantly improved health. With this problem, the GPs feel left alone. GPs lacked information and contact information about specific health personnel or contact points that were familiar with postinfectious syndromes. Such facilities are urgently needed. Conclusion: COVID-19 will continue to preoccupy our health care systems for a long time to come, as new variants without prevention strategies will continue to produce new patients. Therefore, it is not a question of if but when good support for GPs and adequate care pathways for people with COVID-19 will be implemented.


Research Square Platform LLC

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