We present a study where predictive mechanistic modeling is used in combination with deep learning methods to predict individual patient survival probabilities under immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy. This hybrid approach enables prediction based on both measures that are calculable from mechanistic models (but may not be directly measurable in the clinic) and easily measurable quantities or characteristics (that are not always readily incorporated into predictive mechanistic models). The mechanistic model we have applied here can predict tumor response from CT or MRI imaging based on key mechanisms underlying checkpoint inhibitor therapy, and in the present work, its parameters were combined with readily-available clinical measures from 93 patients into a hybrid training set for a deep learning time-to-event predictive model. Analysis revealed that training an artificial neural network with both mechanistic modeling-derived and clinical measures achieved higher per-patient predictive accuracy based on event-time concordance, Brier score, and negative binomial log-likelihood-based criteria than when only mechanistic model-derived values or only clinical data were used. Feature importance analysis revealed that both clinical and model-derived parameters play prominent roles in neural network decision making, and in increasing prediction accuracy, further supporting the advantage of our hybrid approach. We anticipate that many existing mechanistic models may be hybridized with deep learning methods in a similar manner to improve predictive accuracy through addition of additional data that may not be readily implemented in mechanistic descriptions.