Computerized text and voice analysis - a quantitative single case study of seven chronically schizophrenic patients in art therapy


Sprotte Yvonne1


1. Dresden University of Fine Arts (Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden)


Abstract This explorative study of chronic schizophrenic patients aims to clarify whether group art therapy followed by a therapist-guided picture review could influence the patients' communication behavior. Characteristics of voice and speech were obtained via objective technological instruments and selected as indicators of communication behavior. Seven patients were recruited to participate in weekly group art therapy over a period of six months. Three days after each group meeting, they talked about their last picture during a standardized interview that was digitally recorded. The audio documents were evaluated using validated computer-assisted procedures, the transcribed texts using the German version of LIWC2015, and the voices using the audio analysis software VocEmoApI. The dual methodological approach was intended to form an internal control of the study results. An exploratory factor analysis of the complete sets of output parameters was carried out in the expectation of obtaining disease typical characteristics in speech and voice that map barriers to communication. The parameters of both methods were thus processed into five factors each, i.e., into a quantitative digitized classification of the texts and voices. The scores of the factors were subjected to a linear regression analysis to capture possible process-related changes. Most patients continued to participate in the study. This resulted in high quality data sets for statistical analysis. In answer to the study question, two results were summarized: A text analysis factor called presence proved a potential surrogate parameter for positive language development. Quantitative changes in vocal emotional factors were detected, demonstrating differentiated activation patterns of emotions. These results can presumably be interpreted as an expression of a cathartic healing process. The methods presented in this study make a potentially significant contribution to quantitative research into the effectiveness and mode of action of art therapy.


Research Square Platform LLC

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