1. Matej Bel University
2. Charles University
3. Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy
4. Rehabilitation Prague School
The COVID-19 pandemic was associated with limited physical activity of most of the world's population. This cross-sectional prospective study aimed to assess the levels of physical activity (PA) of university students in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia after COVID using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF). A total of 2635 students were recruited, and their PA levels were measured using the IPAQ-SF between September and December 2022. PA measured by metabolic equivalent (MET) scores, varied between the three countries: Slovakia median MET-minutes/week score 4459.9; Czech Republic 3838.8 Poland 3567.1. The results of the post hoc analysis revealed that there were significant differences in MET-minutes/week values between the Czech Republic and Poland (p<0.035) as well as between the Czech Republic and Slovakia (p<0.037). The analysis of energetic expenditure during walking revealed that students from the Czech Republic and Slovakia had higher median MET-min/weeks values (Czech 2284.1; Slovak 2467.1) compared to their Polish (1536.1) peers (p<0.001). Polish cohort presented with significantly higher BMI (p<0.001) than Czech and Slovak groups (BMI Czech: 22.3; Slovak 22.8; Polish 23.8). Compared to available pre-COVID studies it seems that the total level of PA in the observed cohorts has not returned to the pre-COVID levels and the students remain less active.
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