Assessment of agroforestry practices in Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora zone of Oromia region, Ethiopia


Mezgebu Mosisa1


1. Oromia Agricultural Research Institute Bedele Agricultural Research Center


Abstract Agroforestry practices are considered as one of the major source of food and income to meet the needs and the wellbeing of the rural community. This study was conducted in Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora zone, with the aim to identify and assess agroforestry practice, constraints and Importance and farmers’ perception on the existing agroforestry practice in study area. Accordingly 3 districts from each zone and 12 Kebele in 6 districts were selected by purposely sampling methods and similarly 299 household were selected. Semi-structured questionnaire data was generated by conducting household survey interview, key informant, and direct field observation were applied. Based on the respondent’s idea across the both zones, the results of this study have shown that ,Homegardens (96%), Coffee based agroforestry practice (91.3) ,Fruit trees based agroforestry practice (86.6%), woodlot (65.6%), windbreak/shelterbelts (62.5%), Trees on rangeland (57.2%), Life fencing (53.8%), Parkland agroforestry (43.1%), Taungya (26.4%) and Alley cropping (16.7%) are the exist agroforestry practices in the study area. The major Importance of agroforestry practices were for income, regulated climates, soil improvement, used for shade, food and livestock feed, properly using the land, construction, fuel wood and timber. On the other hand, impacts of wild animals, Insect pest and disease, Competition trees with crop (i.e. shading effect), shortage of land for tree planting, lack of capital, lack of knowledge, taking long time for profit, lack of seed accessibility and Shortage of labor the major constraints recorded in the study areas. Majority of respondents were strongly agreed with the agroforestry practices; increase farm income, improve soil fertility and conserved soil and water, saved time on collecting fodder and fuel wood from the forest and improve the natural condition. Those show that the respondents in study area have positive attitude with existing agroforestry practices. Albizia gummifera (78.2%), Cordia africana (67.9%) and Croton macrostachyus (63.2%) were the most common trees that dominated in the study area. Albizia gummifera (67.2%) and Cordia africana (61.9%) also were most preferred trees by farmers in field. Avocado (91.3%), Banana (79.6%) and Mango (61.9%) were the most dominant fruit trees/shrubs, while Maize (95%), Coffee (91.3%), Teff (76.6%), Chat (65.9%) and Sorghum (52.8%) were the most dominant crops and Cow, Oxen, Calve, Chicken were the most dominant livestock. The study recommends further studies have to be done on positive interaction trees/shrubs selection in component, management and introducing new agroforestry practices and manage the exist agroforestry practice at study are.


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