Land use/cover dynamics and its implication on the sustainability of urban agriculture in selected urban centers of Ethiopia


Gibtan* Ashagrie1,Abera Wondosen2,Delelegn Mekuria3,Maru Molla4,Emiru Adamu5


1. Policy Study Institute,

2. Debre Berhan University

3. Kotebe Education University

4. Addis Ababa University

5. Ministry of Labor & Skill


Abstract Analysis of urban Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) dynamics in light of Urban Agriculture (UA) helps to understand its implication for UA practice and in turn making the necessary interventions. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to examine the LULC dynamics in for elected urban center of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, and Adama and Hawassa cities) for the last sixteen years (2006–2022). SPOT 5 satellite imageries for the year 2006 & 2016 and sentinel image for the year 2022 were analyzed. In addition, data from key informant interviews, focus group discussions and field observations were used to triangulate LULC analyses information and to identify the main causes of LULC dynamics in the studied urban centers. The findings reveled that was rapid expansion of urban built up area at the expense of other urban LULC types of mainly peri urban horticultural lands for the last 16 years (2006_2022) in Addis Ababa, Hawassa, and Bahir Dar & Adama cities of Ethiopia. This has adverse impact on the sustainability urban agriculture. Rapid urban population growth mainly because of high rural urban migration, expansion of squatter settlement and increment of investment were the main driving forces of LULC dynamics. Based on the findings of this study (changes in LULC and driving factors) the studied cities admirations or authorities need to develop sustainable development plans by considering UA.


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