1. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Background: Negative experiences of ICU patients seriously affect the quality of life and survival outcome of patients. The application of scientific, scalable, high-quality assessment tools to understand the status of ICU patients' experience, its influencing factors, and its impact on long-term adverse outcomes is important for clinical practitionersto improve patient experience. ICEQ is an existing and mature tool for assessing ICU patient’s experience. However, there is a lack of scientific assessment tools to quantify the ICU patient experience in China. Here, we introduced the ICEQ for cross-cultural adaption, and test its reliability and validity to provide a recommend tool for future research.
Methods: After obtaining the authorization of the author of the ICEQ, the Beaton's cross-cultural guidelines was adopted to modify the ICEQ. From November 2021 to May 2022, 356 patients who met the criteria in four Grade A hospitals in Sichuan were investigated by questionnaires. Including the characteristics data of patients and ICEQ. SPSS21.0 and Amos21.0 software were used to analyze the reliability and validity of the C- ICEQ, which including the Internal consistency reliability, Split half reliability, Construct validity, Convergent validity and Content validity tests.
Results: The C-ICEQ contains 21 items and 5 dimensions: Awareness of surroundings; Frightening experiences; Satisfaction with care; Needs for cognition and Recall of experiences. There were five common factors extracted from EFA, and cumulative explanatory variation rate was 60.634%. CFA showed that CMIN/DF was 2.567, RMSEA was 0.069, GFI was 0.888. Cronbach's α coefficient of five dimensions of the C-ICEQ ranged from 0.815 to 0.888, and the split half reliability ranged from 0.806 to 0.891. The I-CVI, S-CVI and S-CVI/Ave were all 1.0; AVE value is between 0.4 and 0.6, and CR value is above 0.7.
Conclusions: The C-ICEQ demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity to assess intensive care experience of ICU patient’s in China.
Research Square Platform LLC
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