Diagnosis of inter-turn short-circuit faults and power supply faults of a PMSM controlled by input-output linearization without speed sensor


MAANANI Yacine1,BENAKCHA Abdelhamid1,MAANANI Aimen Acil1


1. Biskra University


Abstract It is generally known that the most common causes of faults in permanent magnets synchronous motors (PMSM) are short circuits between turns and supply problems with unbalanced voltages. Early fault detection prevents some eventual damage to the PMSM and lowers repair costs. This article discusses the detection of supply faults and short circuit faults between turns for the control of synchronous motors with permanent magnets via input-output linearization without a speed sensor in order to accomplish this goal. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) will estimate this. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for the steady state, and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and the associated energy for the non-stationary state of the electrical variables under study will both be used in the defect detection procedure. To differentiate between turn to turn short-circuits and unbalanced power supply faults, the stator resistance will also be estimated using the extended Kalman filter (EKF). Simulated fault detection and sensorless control algorithms are demonstrated for effectiveness in the MATLAB/Simulink system softaware.


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