Worldwide Pipeline Transport Network for Green Fuel Ammonia Produced from Abundant Renewable Energy in Equatorial Waters to Prevent Global Warming


Kobayashi Hiroshi1ORCID


1. Tokyo Denki University


Abstract The current large-scale deployment of solar and wind power poses several challenges, such as low generating capacity, fluctuating output, electrical energy storage difficulties, and reducing power grid inertia. These challenges can be overcome by (1) deploying large numbers of high-capacity floating offshore photovoltaic plants in equatorial waters with abundant renewable energy resources and generating sufficient electricity to meet the world’s primary energy needs and (2) using this electricity to synthesize green fuel ammonia, which can be stored and transported worldwide through pipeline networks. At least 33 Gt of CO2e must be removed from the atmosphere annually to prevent further rises in global temperatures. With the immediate deployment of the proposed system, all energy can be converted to carbon-free energy by 2050, thereby achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Furthermore, the proposed system effectively avoids the depletion of limited mineral resources associated with global carbon-free energy transportation.


Research Square Platform LLC

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