Longitudinal changes of brain metabolites following pediatric concussion: An Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics (A-CAP) study


La Parker L1,Walker Robyn1,Bell Tiffany K1,Craig William2,Doan Quynh3,Beauchamp Miriam H.4,Zemek Roger5,Yeates Keith Owen1,Harris Ashley D1


1. University of Calgary

2. University of Alberta and Stollery Children’s Hospital

3. University of British Columbia and BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute

4. University of Montreal and Ste Justine Hospital Research Centre

5. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, University of Ottawa


Abstract Concussion is commonly characterized by a cascade of neurometabolic changes following injury. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) can be used to quantify neurometabolites non-invasively. Longitudinal changes in neurometabolites have rarely been studied in pediatric concussion, and fewer studies consider symptoms. This study examines longitudinal changes of neurometabolites in pediatric concussion and associations between neurometabolites and symptom burden. Participants who presented with concussion or orthopedic injury (OI, comparison group) were recruited. The first timepoint for MRS data collection was at a mean of 12-days post-injury (n = 545). Participants were then randomized to 3- (n = 243) or 6- (n = 215) months for MRS follow-up. Parents completed symptom questionnaires to quantify somatic and cognitive symptoms at multiple timepoints following injury. There were no significant changes in neurometabolites over time in the concussion group and neurometabolite trajectories did not differ between asymptomatic concussion, symptomatic concussion, and OI groups. Cross-sectionally, Choline was significantly lower in those with persistent somatic symptoms compared to OI controls at 3-months post-injury. Lower Choline was also significantly associated with higher somatic symptoms. Although overall neurometabolites do not change over time, choline differences that appear at 3-months and is related to somatic symptoms.


Research Square Platform LLC

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