Chemical Quantification of CBD and THC and Bacteriological Analysis of Artisan Cannabis Sativa Extracts: TheImportance of Regulation


Costa Pâmela Aparecida da1ORCID,Júnior Linério Ribeiro de Novais1,Silva Larissa Mendes da2,Scussel Rahisa3,De Pieri Ellen3,Ramos Suelen de Souza4ORCID,Kock Kelser de Souza1,Amaral Patrícia de Aguiar3,Rigo Flávia Karine3,de Ávila Ricardo Andrez Machado3,de Bitencourt Rafael Mariano1


1. UNISUL: Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - Campus Tubarao

2. UFSC: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

3. UNESC: Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense

4. University of South Santa Catarina: Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina


Abstract Objectives Cannabis sativa is a plant species that has been used for millennia, especially in medicinal form, due to its great therapeutic potential. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the main pharmacologically active substances found in the plant. Efficient methods of extraction, purification and, sometimes, the separation of these cannabinoids are necessary to obtain extracts and compounds that can be used in the search for safe and effective therapeutic responses. Methods In this work, it was possible to analyze the composition of cannabinoids in 41 extracts of Cannabis sp. (32 produced by associations and 9 produced by the patients themselves), determining the amount of THC and CBD in the samples, using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography technique (RP-HPLC), as well as the presence of bacteria, using the Gram method. Results The median concentrations of THC and CBD measured in the samples were 51% and 58%, lower than the expected concentration, respectively. Furthermore, the presence of a Gram positive microorganism was observed in only one sample, suggestive of Staphylococcus Aureus. Conclusion Although associations have a noble social function, quality control in the production of medicines is important, with proper titration of cannabinoids and microbiological analysis of samples, which can be implemented through regulation by the Public Power.


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