Acoustic radiation of a simplified jet-flap-thrust gate configuration: numerical and experimental investigation


Sirotto José R. L. N.1,Cordioli Julio A.2,Nogueira Petrônio A. S.3,Cavalieri André V. G.4,Secchi Maicon5,Wolf William R.6


1. Dynamox S.A.

2. Federal University of Santa Catarina

3. Monash University

4. Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica

5. Archer

6. University of Campinas


Abstract A comparative study of the acoustic far-field radiation of a subsonic jet near a folded plate with an opening, intended to represent a flapped wing with thrust gate, is presented in this work. Three openings with different widths were used to evaluate experimentally the influence of the gaps in the far-field noise radiation, for two folding angles. Boundary Element Method (BEM) simulations with a wavepacket model which represents the jet acoustic source are used to calculate the far-field noise. Numerical simulation results are compared with experimental measurements and show similar trends in terms of acoustic radiation. Through parametric simulations, it was also possible to estimate that opening widths greater than one jet diameter do not contribute significantly to reducing the far-field noise. The results show that even the smallest tested openings were able to reduce the far-field noise for the tested positions.


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