Automatic Open Wikidata Information Extraction from Indonesian Text


Doxolodeo Kerenza1


1. University of Indonesia



Open Information Extraction can be used to aid NLP pipeline, especially if it is linked to a knowledge graph. This is the first attempt to perform OIE in Indonesian text by leveraging pre-existing massive knowledge graph such as Wikidata. The model were given "easier" dataset sample to classify and "harder" dataset sample to classify based on its predicate's RDFS label. It achieves 70.14% F1 on the easier one and 46.68% F1 on the harder one. We also experimented with a pipeline that extracts triple "from the open", but the model struggles with triple that conveys relationship with two geographical place.


Research Square Platform LLC

Reference12 articles.

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5. Suan Lim, Ee and Qi Leong, Wei and Thanh Nguyen, Ngan and Adhista, Dea and Ming Kng, Wei and Chandra Tjh, William and Purwarianti, Ayu (2023) {ICON}: Building a Large-Scale Benchmark Constituency Treebank for the {I}ndonesian Language. Association for Computational Linguistics, Washington, D.C., Constituency parsing is an important task of informing how words are combined to form sentences. While constituency parsing in English has seen significant progress in the last few years, tools for constituency parsing in Indonesian remain few and far between. In this work, we publish ICON (Indonesian CONstituency treebank), the hitherto largest publicly-available manually-annotated benchmark constituency treebank for the Indonesian language with a size of 10,000 sentences and approximately 124,000 constituents and 182,000 tokens, which can support the training of state-of-the-art transformer-based models. We establish strong baselines on the ICON dataset using the Berkeley Neural Parser with transformer-based pre-trained embeddings, with the best performance of 88.85{%} F1 score coming from our own version of SpanBERT (IndoSpanBERT). We further analyze the predictions made by our best-performing model to reveal certain idiosyncrasies in the Indonesian language that pose challenges for constituency parsing., 37--53,, March, Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT, GURT/SyntaxFest 2023), Dakota, Daniel and Evang, Kilian and K{\"u}bler, Sandra and Levin, Lori







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