Cy-1, a major QTL for tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus resistance, harbors a gene encoding a DFDGD-Class RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in cucumber (Cucumis sativus)


Koeda Sota1,Yamamoto Chihiro1,Yamamoto Hiroto1,Fujishiro Kohei1,Mori Ryoma1,Okamoto Momoka1,Nagano Atsushi J.2,Mashiko Takaaki3


1. Kindai University

2. Ryukoku University

3. Takii & Co. Ltd


Abstract Background Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) (family Geminiviridae, genus Begomovirus) is a significant threat to cucumber (Cucumis sativus) production in many regions. Previous studies have reported the genetic mapping of loci related to ToLCNDV resistance, but no resistance genes have been identified. Results We conducted map-based cloning of the ToLCNDV resistance gene in cucumber accession No.44. Agroinfiltration and graft-inoculation analyses confirmed the resistance of No.44 to ToLCNDV isolates from the Mediterranean and Asian countries. Initial mapping involving two rounds of phenotyping with two independent F2 populations generated by crossing the begomovirus-susceptible cultivar SHF and No.44 consistently detected major quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosomes 1 and 2 that confer resistance to ToLCNDV. Fine-mapping of Cy-1, the dominant QTL on chromosome 1, using F3 populations narrowed the candidate region to a 209-kb genomic segment harboring 24 predicted genes. Among these genes, DFDGD-class RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (CsRDR3), an ortholog of Ty-1/Ty-3 of tomato and Pepy-2 of capsicum, was found to be a strong candidate conferring ToLCNDV resistance. The CsRDR3 sequence of No.44 contained multiple amino acid substitutions; the promoter region of CsRDR3 in No.44 had a large deletion; and the CsRDR3 transcript levels were greater in No.44 than in SHF. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) of CsRDR3 using two chromosome segment substitution lines harboring chromosome 1 segments derived from No.44 compromised resistance to ToLCNDV. Conclusions Forward and reverse genetic approaches identified CsRDR3, which encodes a DFDGD-class RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, as the gene responsible for ToLCNDV resistance at the major QTL Cy-1 on chromosome 1 in cucumber. Marker-assisted breeding of ToLCNDV resistance in cucumber will be expedited by using No.44 and the DNA markers developed in this study.


Research Square Platform LLC

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