1. Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2. Jiangsu Automation Research Institute
In order to select reliable tracks from the limited measurement cycles, the track initiation has been studied, which affects all subsequent stages of target tracking. Numerous false target tracks were produced by traditional logic algorithms, and the Hough transform method was sensitive to noise. Based on adaptive gates and fuzzy Hough transform, a track initiation algorithm is proposed in this paper, which combines the advantages of the two types of methods to reduce the amount of false alarm, and completes the high-quality track initiation. Firstly, an adaptive gate is designed to filter the detection clutter. And then the fuzzy theory is used to obtain the accumulated matrix in the Hough transform process. Finally, the tracks are determined by the threshold method, and the track initiation is completed. The proposed method can reduce the false track occupancy rate, and complete higher quality track initiation in short detection cycles in simulation experiments. It is more suitable for multi-target track initiation under the surroundings of intensive clutter.
Research Square Platform LLC
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