Sociodemographic predictors of parenting stress among caregivers in disadvantaged settings: evidence from Kenya and Zambia


Okelo Kenneth Odhiambo1,Auyeung Bonnie1,King Josiah1,Murray Aja Louise1,Kitsao-Wekulo Patricia2,Onyango Silas2,Wambui Elizabeth2


1. University of Edinburgh

2. African Population and Health Research Center


Abstract Introduction: Parental stress occurs when parenting demands are greater than the resources available to cope with parenting. Factors including household wealth, educational level, marital status, age and the number of children under the care of a parent have been indicated as predictors of parental stress. However, there is limited evidence from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) on these associations. This work provides an understanding of parental stress in SSA and improves the conceptualization and implementation of maternal mental health-related interventions. Methods: Data was derived from longitudinal nurturing care evaluation studies conducted in Kisumu and Nairobi Counties in Kenya, and Chisamba District in Zambia. A linear regression model adjusting for clustering and covariates was used to determine the association between caregivers’ parenting stress and their socio-demographic characteristics. Results: The mean parental stress scores were slightly below the average in the rural study sites and slightly above the average in the urban study site (Kenya rural; 37.6 (11.8), Kenya urban; 48.8 (4.2) and Zambia rural; 43.0 (9.1). In addition, parental stress was associated with at least four factors; caregivers’ income, their age, their level of education and the age of their child (income: Kenya rural; β = -0.285, P < .01**, Kenya urban; β = -0.179, P = .02* and education: Kenya rural; β = -0.192, P < .01**, Kenya urban; β = -0.148, P = .01*). Conclusion: The policy implications of the findings from this study include improving maternal mental health through poverty alleviation-related interventions, improving caregivers parenting knowledge and improving the provision of childcare services in poor urban and rural settings. Trial registration: PACTR201905787868050 and PACTR20180774832663


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