Predictors and components of inpatient asthma hospital cost: a retrospective cohort study. Analysis from a sample of 14 Belgian hospitals


Seret Jehan1,Bruyneel Arnaud1,Larcin Lionel1,Gooset Fabienne1,Azzi Djohra1,Martins Dimitri1,Bulcke Julie Van Den1,Leclercq Pol1,Pirson Magali1


1. Université Libre de Bruxelles


Abstract Background Addressing the challenges of asthma has involved various approaches, including the examination of costs associated with hospitalization. However, there is a limited number of studies that have investigated the actual expenses incurred by hospital settings in caring for asthma patients. This study aims to describe the costs, predictors, and breakdown of expenditures in different categories. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted, involving 314 hospital stays of patients over 12 years old who were admitted for asthma and classified under APR-DRG 141 (asthma). Univariate and multiple linear regression analyses were performed. Results The median cost, regardless of DRG severity, amounted to 2.314€ (1.550€-3.847€). Significant variations were observed when the sample was stratified based on the severity of DRG, revealing a cost gradient that increases with severity. The length of stay followed a similar trend. Six predictors were identified: age, admission to intensive care, asthma severity, severity level of the DRG, winter admission, and length of stay. The cost breakdown showed that 44% constituted direct costs, 25% were indirect costs, 26% were attributed to medical procedures performed outside the patient unit, and 5% were related to medication administration. Conclusions This study initiates a discussion on the role of reducing hospital costs in strategies aiming at controlling asthma-related costs. We argue that cost reduction cannot be achieved solely at the hospital level but must be approached from a public health perspective. This includes promoting high-quality outpatient care and addressing factors leading to poor adherence to the care plan.


Research Square Platform LLC

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