Do the Owner-horse Pairs Have Similar Personality Traits According to the Short Inventory of the Horse Personality?


Chariatte Cyril1,Maigrot Anne-Laure2,Sutter Elena3,Freymond Sabrina Briefer2


1. Institute of Work and Organisational Psychology, University of Neuchatel

2. Agroscope, Swiss National Stud Farm

3. The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh,


Abstract The personality of a horse is thought to influence the quality of horse-human relationship. In this study, we developed a questionnaire to assess horse’s personality. For validation, 2431 horse-owners filled it out for their horse along with an existing questionnaire to determine their personality. Out of this sample, 39 horses were tested in personality tests, to monitor the owners' responses to the questionnaires. We then compared the results of the equine questionnaire to the results of the personality tests and then investigated which components of the equine personality and of the owner, were similar. Personality scores obtained from the questionnaire showed, first, that owners with a higher Emotional stability score perceived their horses to be also easily stressed (r = 0.26, N = 2431, p < 0.05) and secondly that Conscientious owners described their horses as Conscientious as well (r = 0.26, N = 2431, p < 0.05). The personality tests confirmed the scores for the Emotional stability trait, i.e. easily stressed horses were more active during personality tests (r = 0.56, N = 39, p < 0.05). These results do not allow us to exclude the effect of the owner's personality on his horse in the long term.


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