Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and components in rural, semi-urban and urban areas in the Littoral Region in Cameroon: impact of physical activity


Bilog Nadine Carole1,Ndongo Jerson Mekoulou1,Lele Elysée Claude Bika1,Guessogo Wiliam Richard2,Assomo-Ndemba Peguy Brice3,Ahmadou .1,Babayana Noel Etaga1,Mbama Yves Julien1,Bindi Josiane Gertrude B.N.1,Temfemo Abdou4,Mandengue Samuel Honoré1,Guyot Jessica5,Dupre Caroline5,Barth Nathalie5,Bongue Bienvenu5,Ngoa Laurent Serge Etoundi3,Ayina Clarisse Noel Ayina1


1. University of Douala

2. University of Yaounde I

3. University of Yaoundé I

4. University of Douala, University of Douala

5. Mines Saint-Etienne, INSERM, SAINBIOSE U1059


Abstract Background living areas in developing countries impacts seriously lifestyle by the increase the consumption of energy-rich foods, less energy expenditure and sedentary behaviors. Urbanization is also associated with less practice of physical activity (PA) which is considered as the leading cause of metabolic syndrome (MetS) which MetS prevalence vary in African countries. The present study aimed to assess the effect of PA on MetS according to urbanization in the littoral region in Cameroon. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in three geographical settings (urban, semi-urban, and rural) in the littoral region in Cameroon. A total of 879 participants was included (urban: 372, semi-urban: 195 and rural: 312). The MetS was defined according to the International Federation of Diabetes 2009. The level of PA was assessed using the Global physical activity questionnaire. Results Low level of PA was (P < 0.0001) reported in urban (54.5%), semi urban (28.7%) and rural (16.9%) and high in rural area (77.9%). The prevalence of MetS was higher in urban areas (37.2%) follow to the rural (36.8%) and the semi-urban (25.9%). Hyperglycemia (p = 0.0110), low HDL-c (p < 0.0001) and high triglyceridemia (p = 0.0068) were most prevalent in urban residents. Participants with low level of PA were at risk of MetS (OR: 1.751, 95% CI: 1.335–2.731, p = 0.001), hyperglycemia (OR: 1.909, 95% CI: 1.335–2.731, p = 0.0004) abdominal obesity(OR: 2.007, 95% CI : 1.389-2.900, p = 0.0002), low HDL-c (OR: 1.539, 95% CI : 1.088–2.179, p = 0.014) and those with moderate level of PA were protected against high blood pressure(OR : 0.452, 95% CI: 0.298–0.686, p = 0.0002) and compared to those with high level of PA. Urban dwellers had 1.708 great risk of MetS compared to rural residents, urban was also at risk of hyperglycemia (OR: 1.611, 95% CI : 1.170–2.219, p = 0.003) and protected against high blood pressure (OR :0.314, 95% CI :0.212–0.466, p < 0.0001), Abdominal obesity (OR : 0.570, 95% CI : 0.409–0.794, p = 0.0009), and Low HDL-c (OR : 0.725, 95% CI: 0.534–0.983, p = 0.038) compared to rural residents. Conclusions MetS was more prevalent in urban dwellers and was associated with a low level of PA.


Research Square Platform LLC

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