Locating and ranking development plans of Iron and Steel Industries in Afghanistan by using FAHP and FTOPSIS methods


salehy Saleh Mohammad1ORCID,Aimaq Mohammad Bashir1,Shahabi Reza Shakoor2


1. baghlan university

2. Imam Khomeini International University Faculty of Technical and Engineering


Abstract Due to the growth of steel industry in the world, the rich resources of ore, Abundance of inputs required by the iron and steel industry and higher demand for steel in Afghanistan, the idea of ​​designing and locating development plans in the field of iron and steel industry was created. To increase existing competitive advantages and gaining the most added value for Afghanistan requires suitable locations. In this paper, six cases as criteria and nineteen cases as sub-criteria that have a greater impact on the construction of iron and steel industries, selected after interviews with experts. The questionnaires have been arranged and distributed by google-forms and interviews have been conducted with experts. The weights of the criteria and sub-criteria were calculated based on the results of the questionnaires and using the FAHP. Then by using the FTOPSIS, the plans are ranked based on the similarity index. As a result, which the Bamyan has come in first position and Kandahar has come in recent position of development planning to invest. In the end, for more accuracy and correctness of the research after completing all preconditions, sensibility analysis among options according criteria and sub-criteria has been done in five scenarios.


Research Square Platform LLC

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