Influence of Acculturation and Cultural Values on the Self-Reference Effect


Gilliam Ashley N.1,Gutchess Angela1


1. Brandeis University


Abstract Cultural milieu can influence the way information is processed and what strategies are employed to deal with ever-changing environments. This study assessed whether acculturation and cultural values of East Asians can affect memory, with a specific focus on the self-reference effect in Chinese international students. Participants encoded and retrieved adjectives, with some trials relating the words to the self (i.e., the self-referencing task), another person, or a control condition; participants also completed questionnaires assessing cultural adaptation and self-construal. Results did not show a relationship between acculturation orientation and self-construal and the magnitude of the self-reference effect in memory, defined as better memory for adjectives encoded related to the self compared to those related to close others, in this sample of Chinese international students. Future research should explore effects of acculturation over time, incorporating more heterogeneous samples and sensitive neural measures.


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