Effect of regular exercise assessed by pedometer on pregnancy outcomes and maternal mental health.


Simavli Serap1ORCID,Ulas Deniz,Kosus Aydın,Kosus Nermin,Kaygusuz İkbal


1. Yuzyil Pendik Hospital


Abstract Purpose For healthy pregnant women, regular exercise is advised due to the wealth of advantages it has for both physical and emotional well-being. Aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of physical activity and exercise capasity assessed by pedometer on obstecric and neonatal outcomes. Methods Women who has exercised during their pregnancy for 30 minutes or more were defined exercise group and women who has not exercised were defined as a control group. Exercise capasity of women was assessed with 6 minutes walking test with using step counter and its association with pregnancy outcome was determined. Postpartum anxiety level and satisfaction rate were measured using the visual analog scale (VAS), postpartum depression rate was assessed with Edingburg Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) at postpartum day one and day eight. Results Steps count and step length were found significantly higher and pregnancy complications were lower in the exercise group (p < 0.05). Duration of labor, firts breastfeeding time and neonatal intencive care unit (NICU) needs were found shorter in the exercise group (p < 0.05). A significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of anxiety level and satisfaction rate (p < 0.05) and postpartum depression rate at postpartum day one and day eight (p < 0.05). Conclusion Regular exercise during pregnancy has a positive effect on pregnancy outcome and maternal health without causing complications for the mother and baby.


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