Introduction: By considering the importance of job satisfaction to Interns’ well-being and to quality of care, it is important to investigate factors that contribute to or decrease job satisfaction. Although many studies have been conducted worldwide to find out the prevalence of job satisfaction among doctors, yet very few have been conducted in Ethiopia, especially regarding medical interns.
Objective: This study was aimed to assess the prevalence of job satisfaction and its associated factors among medical intern students in University of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital, Gondar, Ethiopia 2022.
Method: An institution based cross-sectional study was conducted on 320 study participants from November 05-15, 2022. All medical interns registered in 2022 was assessed by using conventional sampling method and data were collected by using pre-tested and structured self-administered questionnaire. Data were entered into Epi-INFO version7 and exported to SPSS version 25.0 for analysis. Logistic regression were carried out to recognize factors associated with medical intern job satisfaction. Adjusted odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval were used to measure the strength of association. Variables having p-value less than 0.2 in bivariable analysis were entered in to multivariable analysis; variables with a p-value< 0.05 were declared significantly associated with job satisfaction.
Results: The overall level prevalence of job satisfaction among medical interns was found to be 32.2% 95%. Being male [AOR=1.84; (1.02, 3.34)], working department [AOR=2.53; (1.2, 5.30)], place of origin [AOR=1.80; (1.01, 3.20)], and number of duties [AOR=2.98; (1.17, 7.59)] factors were significantly associated with job satisfaction.
Conclusion: The prevalence of job satisfaction among medical interns was found to be high. Being male, place of origin, working department, and number of duty were statistically significant associated factors. Its better, managers and policy makers should give due considerations on medical interns’ job satisfaction if they genuinely want to attain institution’s objectives.