Inorganic Phosphorous, Lime and Vermicompost Induced Changes on Phosphorus Fractions and Other Properties of Acidic Soil of Cheha District, Ethiopia


Alemu Bereket Ayenew1,Melese Asmare2


1. Haramaya University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

2. Debre Berhan University


Abstract Background: In acid soils, soluble inorganic phosphorus is fixed by aluminum and iron, so that phosphorous availability to plant would be inhibited. Thus, an incubation study was conducted to evaluate the effects of lime, vermicompost, and mineral P fertilizer on the distribution of P fractions and oxalate and dithionite extractable aluminum and iron. The treatments consisted of three rates of phosphorous (0, 74.51 and 149.01 kg P ha-1), three rates of vermicompost (0, 5 and 10 ton VC ha-1) and four rates of lime (0, 5.70, 9.20, and 11.50 ton CaCO3 ha-1). The experiment was laid out as a complete randomized design in a factorial arrangement. Results: Combined application of lime, vermicompost and mineral P significantly increased (p<0.05) labile phosphorus fractions and decreased potential sorption capacities of the soil. As the increased soil pH, reduced exchangeable acidity and oxalate extractable Fe and Al the integrated applications of these amendments fixed aluminum and iron instead of phosphorus, thus rendering phosphorus available by keeping the inorganic phosphorus in a bioavailable labile phosphorus pool compared to sole application of the amendments. Conclusions: Combined applications of lime, vermicompost and inorganic P to acidic soils of Goha-1 in Cheha district could convey enhanced amount of available P and ensures the maintenance of higher levels of labile P. It might also contribute towards meeting crop P requirements.


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