Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Spontaneous Fermented Cassava Food Product


Wahyuni S.1,Dewi Novi Dian Puspita1,Pato U.2,Susilowati P. E.3,Khaeruni Andi1,Fatahu Fatahu1


1. Halu Oleo University

2. Riau University

3. Siliwangi University


Abstract Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) such as Lactobaccilus is very important in digestive system health. One source of lactic Acid Bacteria is from cassava fermented foods. this research aimed to identify the genetic diversity of amylase-producing lactic acid bacteria isolated from fermented cassava. Fermentation was conducted by immersion of cassava in seawater for 6 hours and incubated for 3 days. analysis of morphology shows that the bacterial colonies has shape of bacilli and cocci cells, which are Gram-positive type. PCR analysis reveals that the bacterial DNA sequences Cladogram follows a Klad sister group Lactobacillus plantarum strain CQ2017ZC MH727586.1 with a bootstrap value of 77, Pediococcus pentosaceus strain 1931 MT597748.1 and P. Pediococcus pentosaceus strain 5583 MT510326.1, with a bootstrap value of 100. The analysis of genetic diversity showed that lactic acid bacteria from cassava fermentation had genetic similarities with lactic acid bacteria from milk. The results of chemical analysis showed that the isolation of lactic acid bacteria (UM 48.1, UM 48.2 and UM 24.2) has amylase activity of enzyme 446 mU/mL, 499 mU/mL and 1053 mU/mL respectively. These two Pediococcus pentosaceus have application potential in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and healthcare sectors. Furthermore, this study may provide an alternative to making milk-based health food and new fermented products using Lactic Acid Bacteria from cassava fermentation.


Research Square Platform LLC

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