The status of indigenous chicken genetic resources: Analysis of chicken breeds and impact of poultry diseases


Kanyama Christopher Manchishi1,Ngosa Mathews2,Moss Amy .F1,Crowley Tamsyn .M3


1. School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, New South Wales, 2351

2. Agriculture Institute of Zambia, C/O Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute, Plot 26A Middle Way

3. Poultry Hub Australia, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, 2351


Abstract Indigenous chickens (Gallus domesticus) (IC) are an essential component of agriculture among 80% of small-scale farmers (SSF) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and are essential for rural livelihoods. However, in the past decade, a significant loss of IC animal genetic resources (AnGR) has been reported, resulting from poultry diseases, imported exotic breeds, and poor market access among others. If the losses are not mitigated, rural communities may be highly impacted. To investigate the status of IC-AnGR and assess the major challenges affecting the IC sector, We surveyed 358 households in Eastern, Central, and Southern livelihood zones. Results showed that over 77% of farmers reared the Zambi IC breed, 18–44% reported the introduction of exotic breeds in the past decade, with most households sourcing breeding stock from fellow farmers and family and friends. Further, 40–58% of farmers considered the criterion of number of eggs laid, resistance to diseases, fast growth, and larger body size when adopting chicken breeds. Generally, farmers were concerned about the loss of IC breeds and agreed that some chicken breeds have been lost in the past decade with some attributing the loss to poultry diseases. Deliberate policies to promote sustainable use and conservation of IC are critical in Zambia.


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